Recent Posts by Micah DeCamp

Estate Planning for Veterans

Veterans, do you, and your spouse if applicable, require some simple estate planning documents (will, health care power of attorney, etc.)? Help is available. The Missouri Veterans Commission in conjunction with volunteer attorneys in the Saint Louis metro area, will prepare free basic estate planning documents at VFW Post 3944 on Thursday, September 12, from…
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Flag Day Of all the special occasions we celebrate each year, Flag Day, June 14, stands out among the most important. Today, we’re not just honoring a flag; the dyed fabric and thread. Instead, we are pausing to honor everything the iconic symbol represents; our country, its government and our American way of life. When…
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Memorial Day

Memorial Day, as we know it today, was born as Decoration Day in Waterloo, New York, back in 1866 when Henry Wells, a local drugstore owner suggested that all businesses close for one day to honor, in a solemn and patriotic manner, the fallen soldiers who lost their lives during the Civil War. A group…
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No Fish Fry 05/24 There will be no fish fry on 05/24 due to the Memorial Day weekend. We look forward to serving you again on May 31.
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Armed Forces Day For more than 70 years, Americans have been celebrating the branches of our nation’s military on Armed Forces Day, but for the Veterans of Foreign Wars, we’ve been celebrating our brave servicemen and women for much longer than that. As combat veterans, we take special pride in those who understand what it…
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No Bingo 05/12

No Bingo 05/12 There is no bingo on 05/12 so that our volunteers can enjoy Mother's Day. See you on 05/19.
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Loyalty Day

The definition of loyalty is the quality of being faithful to someone or something else. A good example of loyalty is how someone feels about their country.   In the United States, Loyalty Day is a day meant for the reaffirmation of loyalty to our nation, and for the recognition of the heritage of American…
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